FAQs Tanzania

What are the tipping customs in Tanzania?

Tanzania has a strong culture of tipping for tourist services provided. Tipping is expected after climbs, safaris, other guided activities, and at tourist accommodations. Tanzanians are not shy about asking for things, so it is not uncommon for someone to directly request a tip. Still, the amount and timing of a tip is at your discretion, so feel free to decline if the situation is not right for you.

Tips can be given in U.S. dollars or Tanzanian shillings.

For specific recommendations for tipping after climbs or safaris see our Climb Tipping Guidelines and Safari Tipping Guidelines.  The safari tipping page has information about tipping at safari lodges and camps.

For other situations not part of a tour or at regular tourist venues, consider the following.

At restaurants, leaving a tip for a waiter is not required, though you could consider leaving a small amount that rounds up a bill to the nearest thousand or five thousand shillings (about 3-5%).  Your server will be very grateful.  This does not apply in dining rooms at lodges where you are staying, as the communal tip box covers tips for the wait staff.

For taxis in Tanzania you should agree on a price for your trip before getting into the vehicle.  Any negotiated fare is the total, so tip does not need to be added.