FAQs Tanzania

What immunizations do I need for Tanzania?

No immunizations are required to enter Tanzania, except proof of yellow fever vaccination for those travelers entering Tanzania from a country that is yellow fever endemic.

We advise you consult with your physician or a travel health specialist about recommended immunizations prior to your vacation.  The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and the U.K. National Health Service websites include Tanzania-specific information.

Malaria is endemic to Tanzania at elevations below 1700m (5,500′).  Mbahe Village and all of Kilimanjaro National Park are above this elevation. No malaria immunization currently exists. Consult your physician or a travel health specialist to learn about malaria prophylaxes options. Insect repellant and long sleeves and trousers in the evening (when mosquitoes are most active) provide additional protection. All tourist accommodations within malarial zones will either have bed nets or be impenetrable tents.