FAQs safari

What are the tipping customs on safari?

Tipping is a traditional practice after Tanzania safaris as a way of showing satisfaction to your guide, as well as at all tourist accommodations.  Our safari tipping recommendations are below.  If the service was of particularly high quality, we encourage you to give generously; if the service did not meet your expectations, adjust the tip accordingly.

Tips can be given in U.S. dollars or the Tanzanian shilling equivalent.

How much do I tip?
Driver/Guide:  $25-50 per each safari day.
Standard camping safaris also have a Camp Cook: $10-20 per day.

When do I give my tip?
Distribute the total tip when you say goodbye to your safari team.

How do I tip the staff at safari lodges and camps?
Lodges and camps have a tip box by reception.  We suggest a tip of $5-10 for each night you are at the lodge/camp.  There is no need to tip individual waiters, bellhops, etc. as tip box funds are distributed among the whole staff.